Thursday, August 27, 2020

Supervision Model for Psychological Assessments

Management Model for Psychological Assessments Smith and Harty (1987) were pioneers in giving a model of management to leading mental evaluations. Their model set forth that the supervisor’s obligation is to guarantees that the start supervisee precisely score their conventions and help him/her separately make and request speculations by clinical pertinence and measure of conviction. Furthermore, this model highlights the administrator having desires that the supervisee will independently create theories while the boss adjudicators and twofold checks his/her work. The last segment of Smith and Harty’s model involves the boss filling in as a specialist to the supervisee once the supervisee is skillful. Finkelstein and Tuckman (1997) expand upon Smith and Harty’s model by including onto what is normally effectively done by bosses (i.e., displaying the conduct of their own coaches when they got management previously). In particular, Finkelstein and Tuckman plot a model of supervisee improvement from novice to master. The initial step for administrators to educate supervisees is entitled â€Å"Learning the Basics of Test Administration and Scoring.† In this progression, the chief fills in as a â€Å"tour guide† for data found in test manuals (e.g., testing conditions and general scoring rules), instructs â€Å"macro-level scoring† of each test (e.g., figuring IQs, percentiles, and age levels), and underscores the advantages and disadvantages for each tests and how it can most intelligent answer comparing referral questions. The following stage, entitled â€Å"Generating Primary Inferences†, includes extrapolating deductions from all parts of the appr aisal procedure including tests, conduct perceptions, and pertinent history. During this progression, the supervisor’s job is to clarify the method of reasoning for the created speculations, address how experience helps fitness in theory improvement, and reduce admiration of the chief and downgrading of the supervisee’s own capacities. The third step in this model includes bunching related theories. This progression includes the director helping the supervisee coordinate various wellsprings of information into absorbable examples and groups that will at last be recorded in a layout that serves to manage the proper report. The fourth step, qualified â€Å"From Outline for the Written Word,† includes the supervisor’s job in aiding the supervisee convert the framework into a helpful report (e.g., editing, proposing corrections, and getting ready supervisee to give input). The fifth stage in this model, entitled â€Å"Internalizing Diagnostic Norms,† is intended for further developed understudies who have aced essential evaluation aptitudes and are needing more â€Å"content knowledge.† Specifically, the supervisor’s job in this stage includes guaranteeing presentation to a wide assortment of appraisal questions and aiding the supervisee perceive examples and deviations in test results and explicit patient populaces. The 6th stage supports self-rule and advances meeting when there is less requirement for direct direction. The creators express that chiefs should know that this stage regularly includes a â€Å"dynamic tension† among independence and reliance for the supervisee. The 6th stage includes the chief empowering total self-governance for the supervisee, which regularly happens after one has gotten his/her permit and will create reports autonomously. The last stage in this model includes the previous chief helping the previous supervisee progress into turning into a boss for the people to come and filling in as an expert for the duration of this deep rooted process. With respect to bring home message for their model, Finkelsten and Tuckman declare that this relational and intrapersonal procedure should produces supervisee that can ace evaluation by coordinating â€Å"all the different and various introjects from past managers into a one of a kind self (p. 95).† Yalof and Abraham (2009) sum up center administrative contemplations and elevate an integrative way to deal with management that is planned to fortify mental report composing and improve preinternship groundwork for brain research graduate understudies. The main zone these creators address is with respect to appraisal competency and refering to the primary abilities in evaluation instruction and preparing (e.g., psychometrics, hypothesis) illustrated in the 2002 Psychological Assessment Work Group (PAWG: Krishnamurthy et al., 2004). Next, the creators portray the different formative stages that supervisees advance from and layout a few markers that are utilized to characterize â€Å"assessment† competency. Starting here, Yalof and Abraham really expound with respect to multicultural oversight. In particular, they urge chiefs to help supervisees address contrasts in social foundation and decide whether evaluation estimates are socially delicate (Allen, 2007) just as talk about the significance of taking care of individual and network narratives (Hernã ¡ndez, 2008). Next, Yalof and Abraham encourage administrators to help supervisees think about moral applications and cultural assimilation in appraisal. Moreover, the creators refer to the APA Ethical standards and principles (2002) as a decent beginning stage for supervisees to build up their own moral character. Moreover, the administrator needs to address how the supervisee should best adjust distinctive learning techniques that will advance more noteworthy combination inside the act of mental evaluation (Handelsman, Gottlieb, Knapp, 2008). Next, Yalof and Abraham explain seven administrative methods that attract upon surviving writing to advance development in appraisal supervisees. The main procedure includes giving data identified with moral practice in appraisal including hazard the executives systems (e.g., documentation, educated assent, interview). The following strategy includes accentuating the abilities that compare with compatibility building and analytic meeting. The third method recommends that supervisees be furnished with additional training exercises (e.g., scoring conventions, perusing test reports, investigating reports) that will advance their particular competency. The fourth method encourages supervisees to lead a writing survey with respect to the referral question to turn out to be progressively acclimated. The fifth strategy advances supplemental companion management as it advances collegiality, socialization, and a cooperative learning condition for students. The 6th strategy proposes that the o blivious impacts between the customer, supervisee, and director that happen all through an appraisal expressly be investigated. At last, the manager needs to energize and advance basic reasoning abilities relating to which ever formative stage the supervisee is at present in. Yalof and Abraham suggest Johnson-Laird’s typology of thought (e.g., inductive reasoning, affiliated reasoning, inventive reasoning, and self-intelligent deduction) to help control oversight. The last bit of this article includes a case representation to exhibit how administrative tests support development and advancement for the supervisee. The bring home message for this article rotates around the supervisor’s capacity to most adequately mediate in the supervisee’s cases. In particular, Yalof and Abraham recommend that the manager needs to attentively and educationally test the supervisee all through the appraisal procedure to boost applied, basic, and imaginative reasoning in regards to the customer. References Allen, J. (2007). A multicultural appraisal oversight model to control exploration and practice. Proficient Psychology: Research and Practice, 38(3), 248-258. doi: 10.1037/0735-7028.38.3.248 American Psychological Association. (2002). Moral principles and set of accepted rules. American Psychologist, 57, 1060-1073. Finkelstein, H., Tuckman, A. (1997). Oversight of mental appraisal: A formative model. Proficient Psychology: Research and Practice, 28(1), 92-95. doi: 10.1037/0735-7028.28.1.92 Handelsman, M. M., Gottlieb, M. C., Knapp, S. (2008). Preparing moral analysts: A cultural assimilation model. In D. N. Bersoff D. N. Bersoff (Eds.), Ethical clashes in brain research (fourth ed.). (pp. 122-127). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association. Hernã ¡ndez, P. (2008). The social setting model in clinical oversight. Preparing and Education in Professional Psychology, 2(1), 10-17. doi: 10.1037/1931-3918.2.1.10 Smith, W. H., Harty, M. K. (1987). Issues in the oversight of analytic testing. In R. H. Dana, W. T. May, R. H. Dana W. T. May (Eds.), Internship preparing in proficient brain science. (pp. 410-418). Washington, DC, US: Hemisphere Publishing Corp. Yalof, J., Abraham, P. (2009). An integrative way to deal with appraisal oversight. Announcement of the Menninger Clinic, 73(3), 188-202. doi: 10.1521/bumc.2009.73.3.188

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Role and Functions of Law Paper Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

Job and Functions of Law Paper Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Job and Functions of Law Paper Job and Functions of Law Paper Jennifer Quiles LAW/421 October 31, 2013 Stephen L. Unmistakably Job and Functions of Law Paper As Cipollone guaranteed triumph, turning into the principal gathering to be paid for harms in an obligation case, the nation started to see the ramifications of government laws. (Melvin, 2011) Understanding exactly who Cipollone was and what this case was about is essential to comprehend the job the laws played for the situation. Cipollone was the child of a smoker who kicked the bucket of malignant growth, a regularly known reaction of smoking today. Cipollone looked for harms since he felt that his mom passed on because of the cigarette organization and their carelessness. He felt that they had submitted misrepresentation in their inability to appropriately caution about the hurtful impacts they had on ones wellbeing and they additionally dedicated extortion in their methods of publicizing. He additionally felt that there was a trick to conceal significant data, about the genuine and destructive impacts smoking had, got through clinical and logical research from general society. (M elvin, 2011) His mom smoked for a long time, nearly her entire life, and started smoking in 1942. This was before the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act was placed in to put in 1965. The Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1969 proceeded to state that the state was not permitted to decide on cases that included cases that were appropriately named. The case was seized by government law, which means there was a bureaucratic law that supplanted any state laws. At the point when the case was initially brought to the United States Supreme Court, in 1991, it was tossed out consequently. Cipollone had depended entirely on State laws that were set up. This left Cipollone no other decision however to record suit dependent on government law. Cipollone didn't see his triumph until the case was reargued in 1992. It is essential to comprehend what government laws are set up in every single diverse sort of circumstances due to Article VI in the Constitution. On the off chance that there is a government law set up it acquires any state law on that specific issue. Maybe if Cipollone had realized he would have been more ready and had an increasingly suitable case when he investigated the case in court the first run through. When working in the state funded instruction part, there are numerous laws set up to ensure instructors, understudies, and network individuals. There are educational committees that are designated through races to guarantee that these laws are being followed. Schools must conform to the guidelines set through nearby, state and government levels. A few if the government laws that oversee schools are FERPA, (instructive and security rights), Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, (substitution to the National School Lunch Program), and the Americans with Disabilities Act, (a 2008 correction to ensure the privileges of debilitated representatives). (National School Board Association, 2013) In all there are numerous government, nearby and state laws inside the state funded educational system. Getting changes and contrasts are similarly significant. If not they have the chance of experiencing risk claims from every single distinctive end. References Melvin, S. P. (2011). The lawful condition of business: An administrative methodology: Theory to rehearse. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. National School Board Association. (2013). Government Regulations. Recovered from

Friday, August 21, 2020

8 Handy Tips for Road Tripping on the Cheap

8 Handy Tips for Road Tripping on the Cheap 8 Handy Tips for Road Tripping on the Cheap 8 Handy Tips for Road Tripping on the CheapRoad tripping across the country may be fun, but the costs can add up fast. Learn how you can save money on gas, lodging, food, and more!Road trips have long been a summer tradition for many Americans. Getting in the car with the whole family and driving for hours is a great way to create vacation memories without the expense of a flight.However, cheaper doesn’t always mean cheap. Gas prices may not be at an all-time high, but theyre still pretty expensive; plus, you’ll need to stay somewhere and eat something, which will cost you some of that sweet vacation dough. But if you plan out your trip in advance and use these expert tips we’ve compiled, you should be able to keep your road trip costs under control.1. Plan ahead to minimize gas costs.Other than the road and a driver, a car might be the most essential part of a road trip. But, and we know this might come as a surprise if you just woke up from 400 years of slumber, cars can be v ery expensive. Not just the purchasing of the cars itself, but maintenance, repairs, and of course, gas.Depending on the distance, gas could easily be one of the most expensive parts of your road trip. But as the non-copyrighted knock-off slogan says, “an app exists for that purpose.”Jessica Prouty of  GasBuddy  pointed how this (free!) app can help you plan ahead and cut costs:   “We list all the gas stations near you + real-time prices, so you know exactly where to fill up for the cheapest price. Super helpful for road trips! Drivers can also search for gas stations with amenities like air for the tires, restaurants, and clean restrooms.”2. For vehicle rentals, go with the big guys.  You could also consider renting a more fuel-efficient vehicle for the trip. If you are thinking of a rental car for whatever reason, you may want to consider this advice from Viktoria Altman, travel blogger at “If you are renting a car, be sure to use a high-quality car rental service such as Enterprise, Avis or Hertz. Larger car rental companies have newer fleets which means you are less likely to have car troubleâ€"the last thing you want on a family vacation.”If you can get your gas costs squared away, thats great! But you’ll probably get hungry on the drive 3. Avoid restaurants by packing your own food.Snacks are a classic part of the road trip experience. But eventually, you’re going to need something more substantial. It can be great sampling the local cuisine but you don’t want to break your budget on too many fancy roadside delicacies.“Pick up food from supermarkets and roadside farm stands and enjoy a picnic,” suggested Altman. “Eating in restaurants is expensive, and picnics are one of the great joys of a family road trip.”“Plan out meals,” Phil Risher, founder of the Young Adult Survival Guide, told us. “Plan when you will make/pack lunch or dinner and when you will eat out. This is important because we all have the best intentions to make food on a trip but it usually never happens. I get a loaf of bread and peanut butter to have a quick inexpensive snack or lunch.”4. Pack lots of snacks and water, too.  And remember those snacks we mentioned earlier? You’ll definitely want to make sure they’re packed in advance if possible.“Pack snacks,” advised Alex Lauderdale, Transportation Analyst at “two dollars here and there for chips and candy adds up. Especially when you can purchase the same snacks in bulk at the grocery store for much less. So stock up prior to the road trip and take them with you.”Additionally Lauderdale says to: “Bring water. Similar to snacks, a bottle of water will cost one-to-two dollars at a gas station, but you can get an entire case of water for a bit more than that at the grocery store. Same goes for cokes, bottled tea, etc.”And now you’re getting sleepy. Very, very sleepy 5. Dont stay in a hotel. Go camping instead.  You can only d rive for so long before you’ll need a place to sleep. And you’ll also probably want somewhere to stay once you actually reach your destination.Have you considered camping? It’s what Risher does: “Camp, if you can. Camping ranges from free to $50 a night for full hook up. Usually, a hotel starts at $100 a night. This was a simple way I was able to save $1000s road tripping.”It’s also what Altman does: “Instead of hotels consider camping some of the nights. You can buy or borrow the camping equipment and have a great time roasting marshmallows and hot dogs in the evening.”6. Or just utilize apps and benefits for a  better rate.  But camping isn’t for everyone. You should look ahead online to see which affordable hotels still have good reviews so you aren’t stuck in a total dump. And you can use apps like Groupon or HotelTonight.And Lauderdale offered another option to consider: “Use those AAA benefits. Im a big fan of AAA for safety reasons, which can be particul arly useful on road trips. But lets not overlook the discounts. AAA can help you save on meals, hotels, and more.”But don’t forget the activities!7. Look into getting a pass.Once you reach your destinations (or the destinations along the way) you’re going to want something to do. And ideally, it won’t cost too much.“Look into CityPass,” suggested Lauderdale. “If youre planning on road tripping to a big city, CityPass may save you big. Purchasing a CityPass gives you access to several of the most popular tourist events in a city at about a 50% discount.”Risher advises a different kind of pass: “Get a National Park Pass. If you are under retirement age this costs $80, if you are over retirement age it costs $10 (I think). Regardless this allows you to go to any National Park and not pay the entrance fee of usually $35. These are relatively inexpensive places to visit and usually are really awesome places you have learned about before. Grand Canyon, Zion, Yosemite, et c.”And frequency is another factor to consider. “Plan only one big activity per day,” recommended Altman. “Any more and you are likely to feel stressed out and overly scheduled. Planning one big activity per day costs less too.”8. Walking tours are fun and cheap!Finally, here’s a suggestion from Bernard Sury, one of the founders of GuruWalk: “Taking a free walking tour (or guruwalk) is a great affordable option during a road trip. Travelers can indeed give what they want at the end of the tour, according to their budget and the experience they had.“On a road trip, we dont usually spend a lot of time at each stop. In a few hours, youll have a very good overview of the city youre visiting. Youll also avoid tourist traps and receive local recommendations on how to save on accommodations, food, and activities. Moreover, as you never know what can happen on the road, these tours are a very flexible option as most of them can be booked online the day before.“GuruWalk is an online platform with more than 700 tours based on tips in more than 210 cities around the globe. Were opening new tours in new cities every week.”And there you have it! All the tips you need for an affordable road trip. Now set sail for adventure! And if you want to read more about saving money on everyday activities, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:How to Throw a Cheap Pool Party (That’s Still Awesome)!Couponeering in 7 Easy StepsTips to Make Your Electronics Last LongerWhat are your tips for a cheap road trip or vacation? We want to hear from you! You can find us  on  Facebook  and  Twitter.Visit OppLoans on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedINContributorsViktoria Altman is a travel writer, photographer and blogger. She is a mother of two boys and lives in NYC with her family. You can read more travel tips from Viktoria on her blog  or follow her on Instagram @traveltipster.GasBuddy (@GasBuddy) is the free app that con nects drivers with their Perfect Pit Stop, with real-time fuel price information, station locations, and offerings along with ratings and reviews. GasBuddy also helps drivers save money on every gallon of gas they pump with their Pay with GasBuddy program.Alex Lauderdale is the Transportation Analyst and Senior Editor at (@Educated_Driver), where he uses his wealth of career experience to educate readers and broadcast information related to the current status and future of driving, driving technologies, technology TCD (total cost to driver), driver safety, and gaps in between. When hes not working, he loves being behind the wheel on the open road.Avid traveler and expat, Bernard Sury is part of the co-founding team of  GuruWalk (@guruwalk), a global platform of free walking tours based in Spain. You can reach him through LinkedIn.Phil Risher  is the founder of Phil paid off $30,000 in student loans in 12 months making 48k. After, he saved up and bought his first place with cash at the age of 25. Phil now speaks with college students and young adults around the country about his  5-Step Guide  to help them on their financial journey.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay on Industrialization After the Civil War - 952 Words

Assignment 1.2: Industrialization After the Civil War Strayer University- HIS 105 August 3, 2014 After the Civil War, the United States went through a period of rapid industrialization which affected the nation dramatically. Industrial growth, the spread of railroads, the rise of big businesses, and the appearance of labor unions during these decades created a modern industrial economy, and American workers and farmers faced new challenges in adapting to these changes. There were three major aspects of industrialization that influenced U.S. society, economy, and politics; the emergence of big business, new technological innovations, and the spread of railroads. Between 1867 and 1920, the United States was transformed from an†¦show more content†¦Soon other lines followed throughout the country. Railroads affected almost every aspect of American life. The rapid spread of the railroads provided the basis for a tremendous westward movement of population. It also carried raw material to, and finish product from factories to consumers in a more efficient way (The USA online, n.d.). The railways became highly profitable business for their owners. Five specific groups were especially affected by industrialization: Native Americans, African Americans, children, farmers, and immigrants. Due to federal and state policies, Native Americans were removed from their traditional land into reservations, which were often smaller, more undesirable land. Th e Dawes Act of 1887, which broke up reservation lands, was ultimately detrimental to Native Americans. Settlers and federal troops pushed the remaining free tribes off their homelands in the Great Plains, and killed most of the buffalo population on which Native Americans relied for survival (The USA online, n.d.). African Americans moved from southern farms to the North. In the North, they lived in segregated neighborhoods, faced violence, and were given the worst jobs. Conditions in the South were even worse, because state laws deprived them of civil rights and segregated them from whites (Schultz, 2014). Before the Industrial Revolution, children learned how to farm and perform other chores by helping their parents. After the Industrial Revolution, children inShow MoreRelatedIndustrialization After Civil War1523 Words   |  7 PagesAssignment 1.2 Industrialization After the Civil War Final Paper Student’s Name—Lacey Jaslaine Young Course Number –HIS 105 ------------------------------------------------- Quarter Name and Year—Fall Quarter 2015 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 1. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Plastic Surgery Is All Over The Media - 1453 Words

These days, plastic surgery is all over the media. Top stars and celebrities have touted it as the means of achieving physical perfection. Due to this influence, it has become accepted and indeed prevalent in the society today. Its rapid commonplace has been facilitated by the coming of non-invasive procedures such as Botox. In 2007 alone, the American Society of Aesthetic Surgery reported that approximately 13.3 billion dollars were spent on plastic surgery, which was a 17% increase over the previous year. The total number of people getting cosmetic surgeries has rapidly skyrocketed by more than 457% and growing since the recording of these statistics began. While statistics for 2010 are unavailable, the media coverage, as well as public†¦show more content†¦Consequently, they will try to consistently change their looks through this plastic surgery just so as to keep up with the social trends and perceptions of the â€Å"perfect body image.† Alleviating body dysmorph ic disorder by use of plastic surgery is impossible. Considering that it is a mental disorder, it can only be addressed by facing reality and by the victims changing their mentality about body perfection (Heyes 19). There are several other factors that play part or contribute to the addiction to cosmetic surgery. Social factors are part of these elements that play a significant role in it. Social media and televisions are constantly pumping content to people showing them how perfect bodies should be and the acceptable body images for fashion designers or models. Also, there are numerous reality television shows such as Extreme Makeover, which are documenting the process of plastic surgery, mostly, positing it in a positive perspective. Another show on the same is called â€Å"So You Want a Famous Face,† aired on MTV. The show targets young people and is making them get plastic surgery so as to look like any celebrity they love. Also, whenever a celebrity gets plastic surgery, it will always be on the headlines of magazines and television shows. Social media networks such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are also significantly influencing individuals considering thatShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes Plastic Surgery?929 Words   |  4 Pagescelebrities Hollywood and the media has told them they should look up to. Yet, these celebrities are not always real; famous talents take advantage of plastic surgery on a daily basis. Doctors are persuaded to morph the faces normal women into that of a supermodel or actress, all for the sake of interesting television. Women take to social media to stalk out their favorite Hollywood dolls, searching for a source of inspiration. Hollywood and the media have extreme power over defining what makes a womanRead MoreTaking a Look at Plastic Surgery1016 Words   |  4 Pagesbeauty. Plastic surgery is an easy road to the illusion of what people refer to as perfection. This subject is more closely related to women as they are always seeking attractive faces and flattering bodies. People tend to view plastic surgery as a simple amendment to their imperfections, but what they don’t realize is that a plastic surgery is a tool that could tr ansform a beauty into a beast in just a couple of running minutes(Melissa Dittmann, September 2005, para.1). Plastic surgery is widelyRead MoreThe Media And Its Effects On Young Girls And Women1673 Words   |  7 PagesPerfection over Imperfection As you’re walking down a street you may notice a young group of girls or women walking and they see a huge billboard of a beautiful model. They might stop and stare at her and then discuss about her perfect her body is. Not knowing in the next five minutes they’ll be comparing their bodies to the model and feeling bad about themselves wishing that they had her body. Not to mention, that the photo may be photoshopped to make it seem as her body is perfect, or she hadRead MoreSocial Media On Teen Plastic Surgery1177 Words   |  5 PagesThesis Statement: Since the media has placed remarkable pressure on the physical imperfections of women, the majority of females nowadays are unable to understand the fact that getting their face reconstructed to fit society’s concept of beauty is definitely not the way to promote beauty. Outline I) Introduction a. Understanding plastic surgery. b. Knowing the reason why people would most likely operate plastic surgery. c. Knowing whether plastic surgery is a way to promote beautyRead MoreEssay on Popularity of Plastic Surgery1017 Words   |  5 PagesIn 2008 over â€Å"9.2 million women in the United States received some form of cosmetic surgery† ( Plastic surgery is becoming a way for people to escape there insecurities, but is that the main reason why cosmetic procedures have been increasing in popularity over the years? Plastic surgery is â€Å"a reconstructive surgery to a variety of operations performed in order to repair or restore body parts to look normal or to change a body part to look better† ( I believe there areRead MoreBeauty Is Not Pain?1704 Words   |  7 PagesBeauty is NOT pain As we get older we all experience changes in our body, some that we love and others that we could do without. People are born in all shapes and sizes, but why is it that some choose to change that with cosmetic and plastic surgery? What would motivate someone to go through hours of pain just for a new body? With the appearance of more â€Å"perfect† looking celebrities in the media, the self-esteem of many women spiral down, especially in Asia. Beauty standards in South Korea are nowRead MorePlastic Surgery1719 Words   |  7 Pages1 Contents 1 Thesis statement 1 2 Introduction 1 3 Plastic Surgery 5 3.1 Methods 1 3.2 Reasons 3 3.3 Reputation of Plastic surgery 3 3.4 Pro ´s and Con ´s 4 3.5 Safeness 4 4 Discussion 7 2 Thesis statement â€Å"Plastic surgery does not always work† The following text deals with the plastic surgery. Whether plastic surgery always works is questionable. When people hear about plastic surgery, most of them tend to connect it with Hollywood. At the present time it is no longer surprisingRead MoreThe Age Of The Cosmetic Epidemic1042 Words   |  5 Pages(Unknown). Barbie was the new thing; she was beautiful, blonde, and seemingly perfect. Children and parents even to this day both want to be just like the blonde haired, blue-eyed bombshell. It is obvious people will go through whatever measures to be plastic just like her. An overwhelming amount of Americans teens are choosing to change their appearance to fit into a highly unrealistic and unattainable standard of beauty that was created and forced upon us by our physically obsessed culture. There isRead MorePlastic Surgery1709 Words   |  7 PagesPlastic Surgery: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly More than ever, millions of young adolescents are seeking out plastic surgery because the influence of the media. Teenagers are finding more imperfections with their body and are less and less satisfied with their appearance. President Scott Spear, MD, chief of plastic surgery says, Theres a common belief among the public that a large percentage of young adults and teens are having cosmetic surgery (Obesity, Fitness Wellness Week). DespiteRead MoreWhy Plastic Surgery Has Many Different Views On The Influences Of An Individual1537 Words   |  7 PagesPlastic surgery has many different views on the influences of an individual. The first view is the factors of how many individuals decided on having plastic surgery because the influences of the media or opinions of other people, which portrays the idea of self-image. But researchers believe that surgery doesn’t help to achieve this goal. Self-esteem is a major factor of why many women and men receive surgery. However the sec ond view favors that before a person makes the major decides of having

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Basic Three Functions Of Communication - 1566 Words

OB Final Exam 1. Communications fulfils three main functions within an organization, name them and explain their impact from an effective and ineffective perspective. The basic three functions of communication in organization are to inform, persuade, and motivate. Inform The idea of informing within an organization is to provide data and information so that employees can effectively complete their job. There are three ways through which information can travel: Downward moving information: In this type, information moves from superiors to subordinates and usually consists of directives or updates. For example, Executives of a company introduce a new code of conduct to its managers and employees. Upward moving information: Information†¦show more content†¦It also eliminates job uncertainty among workers when they are fully informed. Ineffective: It creates gap between different process and departments in organization, decreases efficiency of employees and increase redundancy since there is no proper understanding of role and responsibilities. It also increases job uncertainty among workers when they are not informed about the future and vision of the company. Persuasion Another essential function of communication would be the element of persuasion. It is the ability to change the attitude or behaviour of employees, vendors, clients, etc. In general, persuasion is used in an organizational environment effectively when the source of the information is trustworthy. Effective: Effective communication leads to Effective persuasion in an organization. It creates anenvironment where employees trust upper-level executives’ decisions. For example, if a company decides to merge with another company, employees will have confidence that merger will not affect them negatively. Confidence on thetop management creates loyal employees, who work more effectively towards achieving company’s goals Ineffective: Past experience of ineffective communication leads to lack of trust. For example, supposedly theemployees had a past experience of company hiding its bad financial condition leading to layoffs Employees will now be more insecure of their jobs leading to

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Elie Wiesel Night de-humanization free essay sample

Elies father, trying to keep an ptimistic perspective. They were also treated like animals, being shipped to concentration camps in small cramped cattle trains were they traveled under the hot sun without being able to sit, something that never in their lives would they have thought of as a privilege. Adding to making them feel like animals, they also called them things like filthy swines and sons of bitches. They were also stripped of their dignity, something that scarred them emotionally. They tattooed numbers on their arms and called them that instead of their names. Think about it: a name is what dentifies you from other people, it was given to you with love by your parents and know someone is taking that away from you and giving you a number as an identity, making the Jews feel Just like that, a worthless number. Hair is used to express your personality, you can control it to look a certain way, a way that you like it, the Nazis shaved off Elies hair along with everyone elses and making them all feel dull and boring. We will write a custom essay sample on Elie Wiesel Night de-humanization or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Finally Jews were treated as objects. Like if they were a nuisance to the world and the Nazis were doing the world a favor by killing them. They had no regard for heir lives. We first see an example of this in the first chapter: Children were thirsty, crying for water standing in the scorching sun for over three hours. Meaning they were not given water to survive, a basic human necessity. Then in the cattle train on their way to the camps, they were not given any food during the course of the day, only the small portion that they carried from home. They were made to work like slaves for no pay at all and they were kept in a concentration camp and were not allowed to leave. They lived in the same place were their people got murdered in ass numbers. Do you see that chimney over there? See it? Do you see those flames? (Yes, we did see the flames. ) Over there-thats where youre going to be taken. Thats your grave, over there. (Elie 31) this was said to Elie by a veteran of the camp, because many children and babies were thrown into the burning furnace alive. Also Someone began to recite the Kaddish, the prayer for the dead. I do not know if it has ever happened before, in the long history of the Jews, that people have ever recited the prayer for the dead for themselves. Elie 31) Elie meant that he had never seen his people pray for themselves as if they were dead. While everyone prayed Elie Just watched as he had lost his faith in God because of the things he had Just witnessed, In conclusion, this book serves as an example to give us a peek into the lives of Jews in the Holocaust. We learn that there was a time were a group of people were targeted and co mpletely segregated from society to be tortured and scarred while they Just helplessly watched their own get kill. Books like these help us open our eyes so we never let this happen again.