Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Basic Three Functions Of Communication - 1566 Words

OB Final Exam 1. Communications fulfils three main functions within an organization, name them and explain their impact from an effective and ineffective perspective. The basic three functions of communication in organization are to inform, persuade, and motivate. Inform The idea of informing within an organization is to provide data and information so that employees can effectively complete their job. There are three ways through which information can travel: Downward moving information: In this type, information moves from superiors to subordinates and usually consists of directives or updates. For example, Executives of a company introduce a new code of conduct to its managers and employees. Upward moving information: Information†¦show more content†¦It also eliminates job uncertainty among workers when they are fully informed. Ineffective: It creates gap between different process and departments in organization, decreases efficiency of employees and increase redundancy since there is no proper understanding of role and responsibilities. It also increases job uncertainty among workers when they are not informed about the future and vision of the company. Persuasion Another essential function of communication would be the element of persuasion. It is the ability to change the attitude or behaviour of employees, vendors, clients, etc. In general, persuasion is used in an organizational environment effectively when the source of the information is trustworthy. Effective: Effective communication leads to Effective persuasion in an organization. It creates anenvironment where employees trust upper-level executives’ decisions. For example, if a company decides to merge with another company, employees will have confidence that merger will not affect them negatively. Confidence on thetop management creates loyal employees, who work more effectively towards achieving company’s goals Ineffective: Past experience of ineffective communication leads to lack of trust. For example, supposedly theemployees had a past experience of company hiding its bad financial condition leading to layoffs Employees will now be more insecure of their jobs leading to

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